Drinking and weight loss: 5 Facts About Drinking Alcohol And Weight Loss

Oct 14, 2024

Drinking and weight loss: 5 Facts About Drinking Alcohol And Weight Loss

Are you trying to shed those extra pounds but can't seem to give up your regular glass of wine? Here are 5 facts about alcohol and weight loss that might surprise you!


Drinking and weight loss

We all know that drinking alcohol isn’t the best for us. But did you know that alcohol could actually be hindering your weight loss progress? 

When it comes to weight loss, alcohol can have a significant influence on your body's ability to shed extra pounds. 

High in calories and bad for metabolism, alcohol is the perfect ingredient to cause weight gain. Add in the fact that when we drink we want to eat bad foods during and afterwards and you start to realise that a diet high in alcohol is never going to be good for weight loss.

5 Facts About Alcohol And Weight Loss

Fact #1: Alcohol can hinder fat burning

Our bodies are designed to prioritise the metabolism of alcohol over other macronutrients, such as fat and carbohydrates. This means that when you consume alcohol, your body shifts its focus to breaking down the alcohol first, rather than burning off the fat stores. As a result, the fat-burning process is temporarily put on hold, slowing down your overall weight loss progress.


Fact #2: Alcohol can make you hungrier

Alcohol can also disrupt the body's hormonal balance, which plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism and appetite. Consuming alcohol can lead to an imbalance in hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which are responsible for controlling feelings of hunger and satiety. This hormonal disruption can make it more difficult to maintain a calorie-controlled diet and resist the temptation to overeat, ultimately hindering your weight loss efforts.


Fact #3: Alcohol is calorie-dense

While it may be tempting to reach for a cocktail or beer after a long day, alcoholic beverages can pack a significant caloric punch. Those calories can quickly add up and sabotage your weight loss efforts. If you’re working hard to be in a calorie deficit, drinking can take you out of it quite quickly and therefore sabotage your weight loss efforts.


Fact #4: Alcohol affects your judgement

When you're intoxicated, you're more likely to make impulsive food choices and overeat, which can derail your healthy eating plan. Then, the day after, you feel lower in serotonin and crave carby, high fat foods. This is a recipe for weight gain.


Fact #5: Alcohol can affect your sleep

Poor sleep quality can disrupt your body's natural ability to regulate appetite and metabolism, potentially leading to weight gain. When you’re dehydrated from alcohol and can’t sleep well, you’re more likely to crave foods that are high in sugar, carbs and fat. This can easily throw you off your weight loss plan.


FAQ on drinking and weight loss

How much weight can you lose by not drinking alcohol?

Depending on what you were drinking before and how much you have cut down, you can lose a significant amount of weight just by quitting drinking alcohol alone. This is because alcohol contains calories, so by cutting those out of your diet you will see changes even if you changed nothing else. Factors like your starting weight, your age, and your diet and exercise also play a factor. Usually people can expect to drop 1-2kgs in the first few weeks after cutting out alcohol if they are overweight and alcohol is contributing to the overconsumption of calories.


Will I lose belly fat if I stop drinking alcohol?

We know that binge drinking has been associated with greater risk of obesity and large waist circumference. When you drink over a long period of time, the stomach does seem to be the area that holds fat. By removing alcohol, you can see an improvement in stomach fat and triglycerides which will improve overall body fat composition and health.


What do 3 weeks without alcohol do to fat loss?

By the third week without drinking, you will experience a clearer mind and may have even dropped a few kgs if you’re watching your calories too. Without alcohol affecting the nerve endings in the brain, you should feel more focused, have a more consistent mood, better eating habits and more likelihood of enjoying exercise. This isn’t to say you will definitely drop weight and see physical changes in just 3 weeks, however you should be well on your way to feeling healthier and more motivated to keep going.


A healthy alternative when you want to lose weight 

When you need to cut back on calories, opting for a non-alcoholic spirit and a slimline mixer is a great option. At just 14 calories per 1.5 fl oz serving, the Clean G is a great option. 

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