10 Sober-Friendly Hotel Bars Where You Can Sip A CleanCo Cocktail
There’s nothing quite like sipping a cocktail at a luxury hotel bar. But when you’re sober or sober-curious, you can ...
Read MoreJan 10, 2025
This year, around 15.5 million Brits (29% of the population) are aiming to lay off the booze for a month for Dry January, according to Alcohol Change UK.
The “Dry January” challenge started in 2013. It was an initiative that encouraged people to think about their alcohol consumption and make a healthier start to the year. With only 4000 sign ups in its first year, Dry Jan rapidly grew into the global phenomenon we know today.
However, new data has shown that Dry January is a little outdated for Gen Z, who spend most of their time not-drinking anyway. Research suggests that Gen Z views the alcohol abstaining tradition as outdated, with many adopting a flexible relationship with alcohol that means they see no need to cut down for just a month, as they moderate their alcohol consumption all year round.
The survey, conducted by leading pub and brewer Greene King, found 20% of the younger generation don’t drink alcohol at all, and many moderate throughout the year.
Perhaps not for Gen Z. Research shows that 3 in 4 of the Gen Z population will be taking part in Dry Jan, but not officially as part of the initiative, they just won’t be drinking as part of their normal lifestyle.
Both Gen Z and millennials show a preference towards “damp January”, whereby you limit consumption but have a mindful approach to drinking. Both generations tend to be shifting towards moderation as a full-time approach, breaking the binge-purge cycle of older generations.
Rather than restricting completely, moderation seems to be the new trend, which lessens the need for a completely cold turkey “Dry Jan”.
While Gen Z seem to have their drinking habits under control, it’s millennials, Gen X and boomers that are more likely to be using alcohol regularly. For all generations, Dry January can still provide a chance to trial moderation or sobriety. It’s still a great gateway into sobriety and sober curiosity for many people.
Many people still opt to give it a go to challenge themselves and reframe their relationship with alcohol. Alcohol is an addictive substance and ultimately the relationship you have with it can evolve over time into something you don’t enjoy as much anymore.
Dry January provides a great circuit breaker for those who want a rest from drinking to evaluate whether it has a place in their life.
Research shows even a brief break from alcohol can produce immediate health benefits such as:
The rules of Dry Jan are simple - don’t drink alcohol for the whole of Jan.
That’s 31 days of no alcohol.
If you’re used to drinking regularly, the thought of not drinking for a whole month might be overwhelming. Don’t stress though, it’s not as hard as it sounds when you do some planning and strategise on how you’re going to attack this.
Looking for a Dry January Plan to make sure you succeed? Here’s a to-do list to help you conquer Dry Jan.
Stock up on non-alcoholic alternatives
Duh, we would say that. But we mean get some really interesting cocktail serves for Dry Jan that you can see yourself enjoying. It’s tempting to see non-alcoholic drinks as less exciting than alcoholic ones, but when you use lovely glassware, premium non-alcoholic spirits and garnish as you would a normal cocktail, they can be very fun.
Stay sociable
With plenty of cocktail recipes and non-alcoholic options, you shouldn’t be deterred from living life to the fullest. Often, you’ll be surprised at how much more you experience when sober and present.
For the month of Dry January, why not opt to go to pubs and venues that have a good range of non-alcoholic drinks so that you know you’re able to socialise and enjoy life without alcohol. This January, we’ve partnered with Greene King to offer you a free cocktail to celebrate our launch into over 700 pubs and bars. Simply head to our website to get your voucher for a mocktail on us!
Tell people
Dry Jan is a great reason not to drink. By sharing your goal with people, you’ll be more likely to stick to your guns and you might even inspire friends to join you. Often, when you open up the conversation around alcohol consumption, you find that others feel the same.
While there used to be a lot of social shaming around sobriety or cutting down on alcohol, stats show that this is now outdated. A sober or sober curious lifestyle is now the norm and Gen Z barely notice when someone doesn’t drink. One in four (27%) say they don’t feel pressured to drink – demonstrating a growing trend towards a flexi-sober lifestyle.
Get support if you need it
Not every person will be able to go 30 days without alcohol. It’s not easy, and if you’re struggling, it’s always a good idea to get support. If you’ve tried to go 30 days without alcohol and found that you can’t, it might be time to seek extra support to identify whether alcohol is a problem for you and what you can do about it.
Give this a go if you’re looking for a fresh and fragrant cocktail to sip on throughout Dry Jan. CleanCo has partnered with Tipsy Parties to craft the ultimate festive sip – the Tipsy Winter Mojito. Fresh, frosty, and completely hangover-free!
Wintery and mysterious, this negroni is a must have for a clean start to the New Year. It looks and tastes great and only requires 3 ingredients.
We recently partnered with LoveHoney to bring you The “Sobergasm" - a spicy, sweet, tangy treat. Made using our Clean T 0.0% tequila, it’s a must-try for anyone who loves a Spicy Marg but wants to ditch the hangover.
Want more inspiration? Here’s 3 Reasons Why Dry Jan Will Change Your Life.
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